Mobile Recording Solution is a voice recording solution which helps protect your company and clients with a network-based technology in a secure manner without extra capital expenditure.
Convenient solution to meet your compliance requirements
Enable scaling up anytime with extensive flexibility
Protect both company interests and clients from disputes and prevent fraudulent claims by recording all client conversations (with your brokers, fund managers or intermediaries). Alternatively, phone calls will be automatically recorded without manual workflow (including roaming calls without extra roaming charges). For better management, reports on recording status can be generated easily.
Rapid and scalable implementation with network-based design. Fit your needs by allowing Flexible deployment with any operation system. Furthermore, increase cost efficiency by leveraging your existing landline telephony and recording infrastructure.
Convenient solution to meet your compliance requirements
Protect both company interests and clients from disputes and prevent fraudulent claims by recording all client conversations (with your brokers, fund managers or intermediaries). Alternatively, phone calls will be automatically recorded without manual workflow (including roaming calls without extra roaming charges). For better management, reports on recording status can be generated easily.
Enable scaling up anytime with extensive flexibility
Rapid and scalable implementation with network-based design. Fit your needs by allowing Flexible deployment with any operation system. Furthermore, increase cost efficiency by leveraging your existing landline telephony and recording infrastructure.
It is required to have a triband (GSM 850/1900) phone and area with network service supports USSD codes.
Banking & Finance
Professional Services